Monaco, Andorra, France, Spain

Day 8: 14th September ’08

Distance: 63.87 miles
Total Distance: 542.2 miles
Route: Mont Louis » Llivia » Andorra la Vella » Encamps

Lovely start to todays ride, but the wind was present with full effect later on. Deliberately detoured via Llivia today; an unusual tiny circle of Spanish territory – situated near the Spanish border but entirely within France! Quite a nice looking place, with several ski facilities.

After cycling through Llivia, it was back into French territory for a few miles before entering into mainland Spain. Headed west on the road to Andorra and started to get worried that I was going to get pulled over for not wearing a helmet in Spain! It’s a Sunday and ALL the club riders were wearing helmets. Thought bar-locks to it – and pedalled with much vitesse to Andorra, only a few hours away. Capital of Andorra, ‘Andorra La Vella’ was a real disappointment, so decided to climb the steep road further up to ‘Encamps’ – which is lovely. Will stock up on the pies tonight, as there is a big old hill to get over tomorrow…

Day 9: 15th September ’08

Distance: 71.01 miles
Total Distance: 613.3 miles
Route: Encamps » Ax-les-Thermes » Pamiers

Absolutely unparalled scenery today – really, really beautiful climb to the top of the ‘Port d’Envalira’. Perfect weather, but let me tell thee, it was frikin’ freezin’ at the top, and also on the ride down the other side. Snow still present up there in mid-September! Stopped for lunch at the top (Tin of Sardines & Fruit – Yum). At 2408 metres, it will easily be the highest point on the trip. Saw a bunch of bikers (of the leather-wearing, moustache-sporting type – not the lycra-clad shaven-legged type) at the top of the mountain. It was plain to see that they were loving the scenery and the ride up, but I couldn’t help resist a sense of smug self-satisfaction that I had used man-power alone to get to the top.

Pure bliss on the long, long descent (despite losing feeling in fingers due to cold). Top speed of 40 mph downhill, which was a real brown-cycling shorts affair on Scotty. A bit like trying to steer the QE2 around Venice.

Day 10: 16th September ’08

Distance: 93.34 miles
Total Distance: 706.6 miles
Route: Pamiers » Toulouse » Mossiac

Mostly uneventful day after the mountain ride of yesterday. Toulouse was a bit of a revelation. Perhaps one of the most vibrant towns that I have visited in France. Not typically French, it reminded me very much of Manchester (UK), with lots of good quality shopping, trams, a strong student vibe and a commercial buzz about the place. Most other French towns and cities I’ve visited over the years seem to be overly nostalgic and lack the dynamism of other european centres.

Cycled north from Toulouse on a good cycle path following the famous ‘Canal-du-Midi’. Met with dad later in the evening. The crazy dude is 73 years young, and has cycled 150 odd miles over the last two days (from his ‘base’ in Perigeux) to meet up with me near Mossiac. We have an alfresco meal together at a pretty (if slightly cold) restaurant, just in front of the church.

Day 11: 17th September ’08

Distance: 61.30 miles
Total Distance: 767.9 miles
Route: Mossiac » Monflanquin » Villefranche du Perigord

An early start, and fair weather. However, it doesn’t last as we get hammered on later in the day. Dad dons his legendary bright orange cape (you’ve been tango’d!); The chance of being struck by traffic not seeing us in the poor conditions is thankfully nil. My first puncture of the trip today – shortly after a long conversation with ex-Michelin employee Dad, extolling the virtues of my ‘Indestructible’ Continental Sport Contact tyres. Still, they are bloody good tyres all the same.

A lot of hills today and I’m impressed that the engine on the old-man fires as regularly as ever. He’d put a lot of young ‘uns to shame the way he cranks up those inclines. A break in the weather gives Dad the chance to dry some pants and socks on the back of his bike as we go along. Nothing changes. Nothing.

Day 12: 18th September ’08

Distance: 57.89 miles
Total Distance: 825.8 miles
Route: Villefranche du Perigord » Le Bugues » Le Change

Last day of the trip. Satisfied that everything went well, and also really can’t wait to see Caroline later tonight. However, a slight tinge of sadness which always seem to accompany the completion of any goal. I will start planning something else to do very soon! I let dad take charge of the days navigation. He ‘knows these roads like the back of his hand’ and apparently he’s ‘never been lost in his life’. Where are we Dad? “France kid… France.”

We plod along the lanes and arrive back at the house in the early afternoon. I take the long route back to the village, just enough to ensure that my daily average for the trip pushes the 75 miles per day mark. Good food, plenty of beers and great company in the evening – and then to bed.

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