Category Archive:
Ghosts in the machine

Return of the Mac / PC

Funny things computers. They’re a bit like our own bodies: we don’t realise how much we take them for granted until they start to fall to pieces. My faithful laptop (recovered from a skip 2 years ago and nursed back to health) caught a vile infection and went to sleep for the very last time. So, I’ve been without the means to add to the blog for the last month. The process of recovering the harddrive files (immense thanks to my cousin Mike – a true gentleman scholar), reconstructing damaged php and html files and buying a new computer has all taken its time. But I’m back now and hope to continue in earnest on the blog and website.  See you soon!

Sculpting in HTML

I’ve wanted a little corner of the web to call my own for quite some time now, and having the idea of  the ‘Continental Cycle Climb Challenge’ was the perfect opportunity to learn some new skills, and build my own site.

Little did I realise that I would spend 6 weeks of near madness, trying to get a website up and running that didn’t have as many broken links as a bracelet from Argos.

I’ve learned quite a lot along the way, and for the most part have enjoyed learning something new, and look forward to finding out quicker and easier solutions in the future.
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Come together… as one

The site’s almost fully functional now, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Who said teaching yourself HTML, CSS and some very basic PHP in 4 weeks  from the internet was easy??

Very soon, I’ll start on the less mentally taxing prep work of getting the bike and legs ready for the trip to Spain next month.

We’re heading off to Venice for a belated honeymoon (which less romantically, also happens to be a study-trip for Caroline’s course!).

So, it’ll be a few pleasant days stuffing my face with pasta and gelato, before returning to the UK and getting into some serious training.

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