Elvis has left the bikeshop

I’ve been working on the website today (an unending task), and had a panicked moment when looking at the countdown clock to the start of the European Leg.

T-minus 20 days to a serious amount of climbing, mileage and pain.

I was asked by a good friend recently, “So what’s the best preparation for climbing up the highest road in Europe?” I’d have to say that it’s best if you eat loads and loads of pies, crisps, sausages, double-oatcakes with cheese and bacon and plenty of lasagne.

Wake up around midday after a hard night on the sauce. Look out at the rain-smeared window and go back to bed, or play computer games in your dressing gown if you have the energy.

This winter seems to go on and on and on – and with it my motivation to get out of the house and lay down some preparatory miles.

Ideally,  I need to lose ¾ of a stone, do 200-250 miles on the bike,  eat like a super-model and drink like a nun for the next 3 weeks.

If only it’d stop raining…

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